Health Benefits

Sunflower shoots contain all of the essential amino acids as well as iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, and phosphorous.

They are particularly high in zinc which has all manner of benefits including a boost to the immune system and digestive regularity.

Sunflower shoots are high in B vitamins, especially folate: Folate (or folic acid) is a necessary B vitamin for pregnant women, needed to ensure proper development of the baby’s nervous system.

Sunflower shoots also contain high amounts of vitamin E. Vitamin E works synergistically with vitamin C and selenium to reduce blood pressure, increase the elasticity of arteries and prevent heart disease.
Fun Fact
The sunflower has been used as a symbol of the sun diety for many indigenous groups across South and North America. Graced with a nutty flavor and a crunchy texture, sunflower microgreens taste great in sandwiches, soups, salads, scrambled eggs, and wraps.